Muslim-Jewish Encounters in Medieval Egypt and Today Featuring Rabbi Ruth Sohn and Joseph Montville with Moderator Gerry Serotta
Monday, April 28th 6:30-8:30 pm 1420 16th St. NW, Washington, DC 20036 Corner of 16th and P Streets For a talk, Q & A and book signings 202-387-9500 RSVP@elhibrifoundation.org
Light refreshments servedBooks available for purchase Join EHF for a presentation by author Rabbi Ruth Sohn reflecting on her recent experiences as a Jew living in Egypt during the build up to the tumultuous “Arab Spring,” as described in her recent book, Crossing Cairo: A Jewish Woman's Encounter with Egypt. Joseph Montville, editor of the book, History as Prelude: Muslims and Jews in the Medieval Mediterranean, will respond to Rabbi's Sohn's presentation. The moderated discussion will be followed by a reception.